Skoots and LOLER Examinations

LOLER examinations are essential for Skoots (machinery and furniture movers).  Along with any equipment that lifts more than 300mm, Skoots need an annual Thorough Examination under LOLER.  These should be carried out annually, more often under extreme conditions or in exceptional circumstances eg an accident.

The risk of injury due to badly maintained equipment is high, an annual service and a Thorough Examination under LOLER helps ensure that the equipment is safe to use.


The examination will be undertaken on your work premises.  A clear area with good lighting and 2m social distancing is essential.  Facilities including hand washing will also be required.

Thorough Examination

The engineer will start by examining the truck in detail ensuring that all functions are working correctly.  The hydraulic system will be checked for leaks.  Welds will inspected for cracks and the toe plates examined to ensure that that they’re not twisted and the pads are in good condition.  Wheels, axles and lock pins must be in good condition.  Labels including CE marking, SWL and the data plate will be checked.  Any faults will be recorded and a time stipulated for repairs to be carried out.  More serious faults may mean the equipment is withdrawn from use until repaired.

Service and Repairs

Assuming that there are no serious faults, the engineer will then service the truck and undertake any minor repairs or adjustments.  If additional costs are to be incurred, you will be asked to authorise the work before he proceeds.

Report of Thorough Examination

When the engineers paperwork is received back at the office, a Report of Thorough Examination (RTE) will be prepared.  This confirms that the equipment was left in safe working order.  It may also be required by another company if the equipment is to be used on their premises. It is an important document and should be filed safely.


A LOLER examination for machinery and furniture movers is not a nice to have option, it’s a legal requirement.  It’s also re-assurance that the equipment is safe to use.  A sound investment indeed.